Perfectly planned with essential household amenities Environment-Friendly Surrounding proper transaction services educational facilities. Accessibility to key landmarks well-designed and suitable for major needs and comfortable low-budget high-class services with lifelong commitment.
Ganga Paradise is the most premium township of our company, It comes with luxury segments it is situated near Kakather railway station and it is very much approachable from the national highway.
Rate :- 10,000/- per sq yard
It is a highly developed properly gated society with all kinds of safety and security features along with many luxury facilities.
Rate:- 8,000/- per sq yard
It is a compact township with all kinds of basic facilities.
Rate:- 5,850/- per sq yard
This township is very much visible from the highway it has all kinds of basic facilities, It is situated in between the national highway and state highway, which makes this township valuable.